Ambient / Gabber / Industrial / Noise / Speedcore
La Peste
Exclusive Mix
Incomplete Tracklist
Public Tracklist
Side A
01 - 00:00:00 - ?02 - 00:02:50 - NoTek - L'Homme Qui Valait 3 Milliards - No-Tek
03 - 00:06:00 - DJ Freak - S(Ex16) - Kill Out
04 - 00:08:40 - Amiga Shock Force - Untitled - Speedcore 02
05 - 00:10:00 - ?
06 - 00:13:00 - Taciturne - Praxis Dr. Fischer - Fischkopf Hamburg 23
07 - 00:16:30 - GTI - ? - Kolt
08 - 00:19:00 - ?
09 - 00:21:00 - Gwal - Untitled B3 - Widerstand Records 01
10 - 00:22:50 - ?
11 - 00:25:00 - Gwal - Untitled B1 - Widerstand Records 02
12 - 00:27:20 - Gwal - Untitled A4 - Widerstand Records 02
13 - 00:31:25 - N.K.J.E. - Near Krautzfeld-Jackob X-periment - Sans Pitié, SSP 002
14 - 00:32:50 - DJ Freak - Fuck D Troi [Kill Out Recordings – KILLIT 24] "1995"
15 - 00:34:00 - N.K.J.E. - Abbatoir - Sans Pitié, SSP 002
16 - 00:35:40 - DJ Freak - High Oxide Resolution [Kill Out Recordings – KILLIT 24] "1995"
17 - 00:37:20 - ???
18 - 00:39:45 - DJ Freak - Oxeteline [Kill Out Recordings – KILLIT 21] "1995"
19 - 00:42:10 - ???
20 - 00:42:50 - DJ Freak - Multipul Orgasm [Kill Out Recordings – KILLIT 21] "1995"
21 - 00:45:20 - ??? Mouse or No Name (comes in again at 49:00) can't find it arrgh!!
Side B
22 - 00:47:10 - ??? ambient / noise only?23 - 00:49:55 - ??? (mixed in since 48:15)
24 - 00:52:40 - Micropoint - Barbarians - Dead End Records
25 - 00:54:50 - Armaguet Nad - Martyr Killer - SODOM 003
26 - 00:56:15 - ??? EDC / Eradicator?
27 - 00:59:25 - TR & Klaus Kombat - Massacre A La Famicom - SANS PITIE 001
28 - 01:01:50 - SpeedyQ's - K226.L.N.B. - SODOM 666
29 - 01:04:00 - Auto-Psy - Ovoide [Fischkopf Hamburg – FISCH22] "1997"
30 - 01:05:10 - Erase Head - Terzog [Anticore Records – ANTICORE 02] "1997"
31 - 01:06:33 - Auto-Psy - Andropose [Fischkopf Hamburg – FISCH22] "1997"
32 - 01:07:55 - Erase Head - Dome [Anticore Records – ANTICORE 02] "1997"
33 - 01:09:10 - Slim Jim - After The Bomb [Heathen Recordings – HJJ 001] "1996"
34 - 01:09:57 - Erase Head - Pussy Cat [Anticore Records – ANTICORE 02] "1997"
35 - 01:13:07 - Joey Jupiter - Blade - DHS005-6
36 - 01:14:40 - ??? breakbeats
37 - 01:16:05 - Bakalla – Xylocain [Hartplastik Records – HPR-002] "1996"
38 - 01:17:05 - Pressurehead – 16 Clips [Surgeon 16 Recordings – SURG 002] "1997"
39 - 01:19:45 - Subexplored - Childhood's Nightmare Of A Baby Keyboard [Re-load Limited – REL952902LTD] "1995"